Despite the growing popularity of OPC UA, the massive OPC Classic still has a large and established user base, with many existing installations in industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas, power generation and more. Maintaining and supporting OPC Classic infrastructure remains a critical need for organizations continuing to depend on it.
For all your OPC Classic needs, Horizon DataTech provides Matrikon’s leading OPC Classic connectivity and data communication software to enable you to solve the most challenging OPC Classic issues faced in plants and factories.
Legacy system data connectivity to virtually all major automation vendor components.
Communication enablers added to most OPC architectures to provide additional functionality.
Secure data connectivity enterprise-wide.
The tools you need to store, move and access historical data.
Our Products and Services
We offer Remote Site Check service if you need to take stock of your existing data connectivity infrastructure, create a prioritized sustainability action plan or overcome the impact of experience loss in your workforce. Contact us today!